Warm Wishes and Thank You Michelle 

Through people-to-people exchanges, the Global Ties Network is humanizing the world and building the relationships and networks that are the foundation for international diplomacy and cooperation. Driving this work are exemplary leaders like Michelle Wilson, Executive Director of Global Ties Akron, who has spent decades tirelessly championing international exchange programs, citizen diplomacy, and the power of people to make an impact. Michelle retires this year after more than three decades of service-leadership in her community, …

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Global Ties Akron alumni from Ukraine Share Firsthand Accounts of Humanitarian Efforts in War Zone

Ukrainians share first-hand accounts of hu­man­i­tarian efforts, war crimes, and shelling AKRON, Ohio — Tamara Yakubovych lives in the Ukrainian village of Lyutizh, north of Kyiv. With Russian shells exploding overhead, many of her neighbors have already fled their homes. Two houses in the village have been completely destroyed, but 65-year-old Yakubovych refuses to leave. “She is the kind of woman who would say, ‘It’s my house and I am alright here. I have a …

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